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  • What is the best age for braces?
    There is no specific age limit for braces. However, we suggest undergoing orthodontic treatment starting at an age of 7 years.
  • How do orthodontic braces work?
    Each type of braces or orthodontic appliance works differently. Traditional or teen orthodontic braces use brackets and wires, while options like Invisalign utilize removable alignment trays to nudge your teeth into the desired position. And then there are lingual braces, where the appliances are attached behind your teeth.
  • How to choose the best treatment?
    Orthodontic treatments are suggested based on the severity of the problem. Factors including cost, treatment duration, and aesthetics also play a role in the type of braces chosen for treating the condition.
  • How long for the results to show?
    Depending on your bite’s anatomy, orthodontic cases can range anywhere from 4-24 months long. On average, most treatment takes about one year. We can provide you with a specific timeframe at the time of your evaluation.
  • Can root canals relieve my dental infection pain?
    Yes. Since the dental infection originates inside of the roots of your tooth, the root canal will remove diseased tissues and seal off the chambers, preventing reinfection and the source of tooth pain. Being that the nerve of the tooth is no longer there, it is physically impossible for pain sensations to occur.
  • What happens if I delay a root canal procedure?
    You should avoid doing so as the bacterial infection can spread and form a pus-filled swelling known as a dental abscess. This condition would require immediate medical attention. In some cases, the infection might also spread to your gums, tissue or the bones that support the teeth.
  • Are root canal treatments safe?
    If done correctly, root canal treatments have a success rate of 96% and are thus safe to be done in the case of both adults and children. Furthermore, the root canals are filled with biocompatible materials.
  • How do I know if I need a root canal?
    A root canal is a necessity if your tooth is dying, abscessed, or has decay that reaches into the nerve chamber. We will use X-ray to assess the extent of your dental infection to determine whether you need a root canal.
  • Can porcelain veneers change your appearance for the better?
    Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin laminates bonded to the exterior of your damaged teeth to restore its beauty and functionality. Thanks to their colour, porcelain veneers can successfully hide your dental flaws giving you the ticket to smile without any inhibition.
  • What are the benefits of porcelain veneers?
    Porcelain veneers can not only improve your dental appearance but also keep some dental problems at bay. Here are the reasons why you should consider porcelain veneers over other dental restoration options. - Feels natural - Reduces tooth sensitivity issues - Long-lasting and stain-resistant - Easy maintenance
  • Is it dangerous to floss my porcelain veneers?
    Absolutely not. Daily flossing is an essential part of maintaining your Hollywood smile. Cosmetic dentistry restorations like veneers need to be cleaned daily; failure to floss them could result in premature failure of the treatment.
  • What is the lifetime of veneers?
    Dental veneers can last approximately 15-20 years if properly taken care of. It can be a beneficial investment.
  • How long does a teeth whitening procedure last?
    Depending on your dental care and eating habits, teeth whitening treatment should keep your teeth white and bright for 12 to 24 months. However, you need to exercise excellent oral hygiene and keep your routine dental checkup with Dr. Ankita Jhalani to ensure your teeth remain white for a long time.
  • Will a whitening treatment remove all my stains?
    No, a whitening treatment cannot remove stains and deposits sticking to natural tooth surfaces. This needs to be removed by routine scaling procedures. Whitening helps to counter the effects of intrinsic staining which are caused by changes to natural tooth structures, like discolouration due to certain medications, ageing, etc.
  • Which type of teeth whitening is best?
    Teeth whitening products work differently, depending on the application method, type of gel, and technology (such as a dental laser) being used. We will work with you one-on-one to identify the best whitening method for your specific situation and goals.
  • How do I get rid of yellow teeth?
    All teeth have at least some extent of natural yellow colour or hue. The shade of yellow is dependent upon the anatomical makeup of your unique teeth. Professional teeth whitening can make your smile brighter, but there may still be a slight yellow tint; if that’s a concern, you may want to consider dental veneers.
  • How do I select my child’s diet to ensure healthy teeth?
    Make sure to provide your child with a balanced diet. Include fresh fruits and veggies, milk, cheese, meat, eggs, and healthy carbohydrates. Limit sugary items and include them along with their meals as opposed to in between meals. Your Pediatric dentist can assist you with the selection of the right food items.
  • What to do if my child has a sudden toothache?
    Let your child rinse his/her mouth with warm salt water. You can give your child over-the-counter pain medications/paracetamol appropriate for his age and weight. It is important though, that you schedule an appointment with his pedodontist at the earliest.
  • My infant always sucks his thumb. Should I worry?
    Thumb sucking in infants and toddlers is often seen as a coping mechanism that they utilise to comfort themselves when bored, tired, or upset. There is no harm in it as they usually outgrow the habit in a few years. However, if your child’s thumb-sucking habit has gone beyond four years of age, then you should seek the help of your Pediatric dentist.
  • How do I soothe my child during teething?
    For teething relief, give the child a chilled fruit or vegetable cut or a chilled teething toy to chew on. You can also massage the gums. Use a cold washcloth to soothe the sore gums and gently wipe off the drools.
  • When should I start brushing my child’s baby teeth?
    You should start brushing your child’s teeth when the first tooth erupts using a rice-sized smear of toothpaste. Till then, you should use a wet soft cloth to clean the gum pads.
  • How to clean Invisalign retainers?
    After you complete Invisalign, invisible braces, or any other type of orthodontic treatment, you’ll have to wear a retainer. With Invisalign, we use Vivera retainers that are almost identical to your invisible orthodontic braces. You’ll clean and maintain your Vivera retainer the same way you do your alignment trays.
  • Can you eat with Invisalign?
    Do not eat while wearing Invisalign. Invisible braces that use clear aligners need to be removed during meals. Brush or rinse your mouth after eating before putting your trays back in.
  • How long does Invisalign take?
    The length of your Invisalign treatment depends on the number of trays required to move your teeth into the desired position. Since your treatment is virtually mapped out ahead of time, we can predict approximately how many trays — and the length of time — you’ll need to complete treatment. A typical case may last anywhere between 12-18 months, but some are much shorter or longer, depending on the needs of the individual.
  • Is Invisalign better than braces?
    Thanks to advancements in 3D Invisalign technology, wearing invisible orthodontic braces is just as efficient — if not more so — than traditional treatment. Since your tooth movement is virtually mapped out in advance, we can streamline the process to limit your time in orthodontic appliances.
  • Can Invisalign fix an overbite?
    Invisalign can be used to correct crowding, gapped teeth, overjets, and some forms of overbites. The extent of your overbite will depend on whether it can be corrected with braces or Invisalign, as opposed to requiring something different.
  • Is cosmetic dentistry safe?
    Absolutely. The type of cosmetic dentistry procedure selected for your unique smile will be dependent upon your oral anatomy, health background, and current dental needs. When possible, we aim to provide the least-invasive solution available, preserving the maximum amount of healthy tooth structure.
  • Is cosmetic dentistry painful?
    Thanks to gentle care techniques and in-house dental sedation, your makeover/cosmetic smile enhancement is as relaxing as possible. Procedures such as dental bonding (smile contouring) may not even require numbing medication.
  • Who needs cosmetic dentistry?
    Smile makeover candidates are people who want to improve the way their teeth look. They may or may not have healthy teeth or teeth that need to be extracted. We will tailor your services to meet your smile at its current level of health.
  • Does Implant need special care?
    Home care involves brushing and flossing just like a natural tooth. Special flosses or interdental brushes might be required in some very rare cases.
  • How long does the procedure take?
    A dental implant procedure for a single tooth may take about 1-2 hours. The entire implant procedure may take about 3-4 months to complete in cases where bone grafting is not required. For some cases where bone grafting is required the healing duration may exceed upto 9 months.
  • What are the ill effects of delayed implant treatment?
    If it is a recently extracted site which is not suited for an immediate implant placement the ideal time period for implant placement is 2-3 months. Any delay beyond this period may result in bone shrinkage resulting in difficulties during implant placement. Additional procedures like bone grafting that need time, effort, and money will also be required.
  • Why are dental implants better than dentures?
    Both dental implants and dentures are commonly used in dentistry today. However, dental implants are better than dentures in the following ways. - Permanent and durable solution - Optimal function and performance - Better hygiene - Taste sensation is better
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